Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Assignment Post 8

This is the last lesson for our assignment and I am bascially done. I am just finishing the storyboard and the finishing touches. The storyboard is avaliable on the USB i am giving in. Here is a little preview of it:
Overall I have added graphics and images, on each page. and there is background music as well. I am very happy with the way my assignment turned out.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Assignment Post 7

This is the second last lesson to work on our assignment. My one is nearly done, I am just basically adding the information to the correct webpages and making it look pretty. Below are my information and videos used in my 2 topics:

Spam is an unsolicited electronic 'junk mail' message, often sent out to many people at the same time by email or text messages to mobile devices. Spam may advertise or offer you unsolicited goods, services, land or business and investment opportunities. "Scam" spam messages may be used to try to trick or disadvantage you. Example: by offering you get-rich-quick schemes. But always remember if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!Email Spam: Also known as unsolicited bulk Email (UBE) or Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE) is the practice of sending unwanted email messages, frequently with commercial content, in large quantities to an indiscriminate set of recipients. Spam in email started to become a problem when the Internet was opened up to the general public in the mid 1990s. Email Spam is sent via "Zombie Networks", which are networks of virus or worm infected personal computers in homes and offices around the globe.Instant Messenging: Instant Messaging spam makes use of instant messaging systems. This is used commonly because instant messaging tends to not be blocked by firewalls. This is very common on many instant messaging systems such as Skype.Mobile Phone: Mobile Phone Spam is directed at the text messaging service of a mobile phone. This can be especially irritating to customers.   
Spam is increasingly generated from computers by viruses. Virus-makers and spammers are combining their efforts to compromise innocent computer users’ systems and converting them into spam-sending “drones” or “zombies”. These malicious programs spread rapidly and generate massive amounts of spam pretending to be sent from legitimate addresses. It's important for all computer owners to install and maintain anti-virus software to avoid having their computer infected and possibly become a source of spam without their knowing.Phishing Attacks are a common form of attack used by cyber criminals to fool users to disclose sensitive personal or financial information, including account credentials, for fraud purposes. Basically a phishing attack involves the use of a web site that has been set up by criminals to look like the web sites of well known organisations, such as Australian financial institutions. They have the aim of defrauding or stealing personal information from a victim. A phishing attack has 2 main stages:
1. Phishing Email: the attacker sends a spam email to thousands of email addresses pretending to be from a legitimate organisation. The email is worded to persuade the user to click on the link in the email. If the user clicks on the link, the users computer will connect to the phishing web site.
2. Phishing web site: The phishing website is created to capture any fields completed by the user(such as username and passwords). If the user completes these fields the information will be captured by the attacker.
There are many ways of how to avoid spam, here are some tips which will help you do so: 1. Look for warning signs. There are three simple ways to try to tell if an email program is spam-
-Look at the person's name. Most spam is named with a first name and a last name. Make sure to see if you recognise the name. If not, it is probably a spam.
-Look at the time it was sent. Most spam is sent between midnight and 4:00am.
-Look at the file size. Almost all spam will be 3KB.Most spam will contain a small sentence and include a link to a webpage. At the end of the link, there will be a mix of random letters. DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK.
2. Dont post your email address on a public forum or website. It is estimated that 95% of all junk emails are caused by a person publicly disclosing his or her email address.
3. Use Spam Blocking Tools. Use the "this is spam" button if your email provider has one. This submits the email to their spam control people who can take care of business and improve their anti-spam filters. Use the "block" list and add the spammer's domain name only.
Report Spam. Before you delete spam, forward your spam to : as this is the spam box for the Federal Trade Commission. Mail sent to this box is investigated.
Do Not open spam emails and click on their links.6. Do not buy anything from a spammer. Not only do you risk comprising your security and infecting your computer with malware-viruses.
Never respond to a spam message. Many spammers send out emails with randomly generated email addresses trying to find new targets. If you reply to their emails, they can add you to their list.
8. Use Spam filter to block spam emails.

Videos used in spam

Google + (written as Google Plus or sometimes abbreviated as G+) is a multilingual social networking and identity service owned and operated by Google Inc. It was launched in June 28, 2011. As of April 2012, it had a total of 170 million registered users. Google Plus was originally called Google Circles, a name alluding to its emphasis on organising friendship information.The service was launched as an invitation-only "field test" in June 2011. But early invites soon suspended due to an "insane demand" for new accounts. On September 20, 2011, Google + was opened to everyone 18 years of age or older without the need for an invitation. Later on January 26th 2012, it was opened to a younger age group. Google + integrates social services such as Google Profiles, and introduces new services identified as Circles, Hangouts and Sparks. Google + is available on their website and also mobile devices. Many newspapers such as the "New York Times" has declared it Google's biggest attempt to rival the social networking site Facebook which currently has 800 million users.Things like Stream, Circles, Hangouts, Messenger, Instant Upload, Sparks and Games are the many new features on Google Plus. This is explained in more detail on the next page. Click "Next Page" for more information.
Videos used in Google +

Another component in this task is to have downloadable zip files. The files i have zipped and added on the website to be zipped are things like the background music, fact sheets and video downloads.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Assignment Post 6-Interactive Menu

The next step to our assignment is to create an interactive menu. This is created based on a code,and that code is available in the useful links folder, in the 10 IST share point website. It is called javascript menu. It is basically a code for a mouse fly in menu. The pictures below, depict this menu's function.
The steps you need to under take to complete this task are:
1.Go the the CODE section of the share point designer page.
2.Go to the website stated above in the useful links
3.Follow the instructions on the page regarding the establishment of this interactive menu.
4.Firstly it states to copy and paste the following code into the head section of the code.<style>
#slidemenubar, #slidemenubar2{
border:1.5px solid black;
5.Then you have to copy and paste the second part of the code, which is inserted right after the body tag line in the code.<script language="JavaScript1.2">
* Fold-out external menu- © Dynamic Drive (
* This notice must stay intact for use
* Visit for full source code
var slidemenu_height='315px' //specify height of menu (in pixels throughout)
var slidemenu_width='160px' //specify width of menu
var slidemenu_reveal='12px' //specify amount that menu should protrude initially
var slidemenu_top='170px'   //specify vertical offset of menu on page
var slidemenu_url="menu.htm" //specify path to menu file
var ns4=document.layers?1:0
var ie4=document.all
var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all?1:0
if (ie4||ns6)
document.write('<iframe id="slidemenubar2" style="left:'+((parseInt(slidemenu_width)-parseInt(slidemenu_reveal))*-1)+'px; top:'+slidemenu_top+'; width:'+slidemenu_width+'; height:'+slidemenu_height+'" src="'+slidemenu_url+'"></iframe>')
else if (ns4){
document.write('<layer id="slidemenubar" left=0 top='+slidemenu_top+' width='+slidemenu_width+' height='+slidemenu_height+' onMouseover="pull()" onMouseout="draw()" src="'+slidemenu_url+'" visibility=hide></layer>')
function regenerate(){
function regenerate2(){
if (ns4){
if (ie4||ns6){
themenu=(ns6)? document.getElementById("slidemenubar2").style :
else if (ns4){
function pull(){
if (window.drawit)
function draw(){
function pullengine(){
if ((ie4||ns6)&&parseInt(themenu.left)<rightboundary)
else if(ns4&&themenu.left<rightboundary)
else if (window.pullit){
function drawengine(){
if ((ie4||ns6)&&parseInt(themenu.left)>leftboundary)
else if(ns4&&themenu.left>leftboundary)
else if (window.drawit){
6. We are not done after this. Scroll down right at the bottom of the page, it states there that you have to then configure the menu. This is done by clicking on the hyperlink which says"menu file". This will take you to a different tab which looks like this:
7.Right on the page, and click on view source. This will open up a code in notepad. You will have to insert this code in the menu page created on sharepoint, the above codes need to be inserted in the pages where you want the menu to appear.
8. To simply change the hyperlinks and writing on this code, you will have to change the links in the code pasted itself.
9. After all of this, press preview on any page where you have inserted the code and "allow blocked content". After that you just have to fly your cursor over the menu and it will appear!

Assignment Post 5 -Login Code

Today we learnt about codes. The first thing that we have to do in our assignment is to ask the viewer for the login of the website. When using sharepoint, there are different types of codes that do different things. Firstly You have to open up a blank page. Save it and call it Default.htm. Then you have to go the the useful links in the IST folder. There is a link called Login Code which takes you to a website that gives you the code for the Login. Here is the code below:

<script language="javascript">
/*This Script allows people to enter by using a form that asks for a
UserID and Password*/
function pasuser(form) {
if ("JavaScript") {
if (form.pass.value=="Kit") {             
location="Home Page.htm"
} else {
alert("Invalid Password")
} else {  alert("Invalid UserID")
<table bgcolor="white" cellpadding="12" border="1">
<tr><td colspan="2"><center><h1><i><b>Login
<tr><td><h1><i><b>UserID:</b></i></h1></td><td><form name="login"><input
name="id" type="text"></td></tr>
<tr><td><h1><i><b>Password:</b></i></h1></td><td><input name="pass"
<tr><td><center><input type="button" value="Login"

you will have to insert this code into the body section of the "code" page. After that, click save and previw on the internet. It should come up with a page looking like this:
Afterwards look in the code. It should state the username and password like in this one the username and password are JavaScript, Kit.

if ("JavaScript") {
if (form.pass.value=="Kit") {

You can also change this to which ever one you wish to have. After that there is on elast thing you need to change in the code and that is where the page leads you too. In this project after putting the username and password in, it should lead you to the homepage. therefore in the code, where it says:

 location="Home Page.htm"

You will have to change the location to your chosen page. Then when you put the username and password and log on, it will take you to the homepage. This was the first step for our website. Next lesson sir is going to teach us how to create an interactive menu. Excited!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Assignment Post 4

To start off our assignment we needed to know the basics of Sharepoint designer. Sir showed us today some real easy steps. The first one is to create a homepage that will load into internet explorer.
This is how it goes:

  1. Open up Sharepoint Designer 2007.

2.Then go to File, New, HTML Page. Go to the bottom left hand corner and make sure you are viewing the "Design" page not the "split" or "Code".

    3.You should be viewing a blank Page. On this Page write "homepage". Make it bigger and change
    the colour and font size, if you like. Change the Background by right clicking, pressing "page
    properties". Go to "formatting" up the top bar and change the background colour. to a colour of
    your choice. It should be looking something like this:

     4. After this we are going to try adding pictures to this page. Simply press "insert picture" from  
     file and choose any picture. Insert the picture. Then right click on the tab and click save. Save it
     as "homepage".

     5. Now we are going to make this look like a menu page, by adding hyperlinks. Firstly we are
     going to create another blank page. We done it, writing something on the page such as "page 1".
     Save the page as Page one.

     6. Then we go back to Homepage and right click under neath our heading. Right Click, Insert
     Hyperlink. It comes up with a box telling us which page do you want to link this too. You press
     Page 1. As shown below.

    7.  Click on that and press ok. This creates a hyperlink to another page. Right click on the tab and
    save it.

    8. After this we go to page 1 and do the same thing. The only difference is that we are inserting
     the hyperlink back to the homepage, so that the viewer could travel back and forth.After doing
    that, save it. Then we click on this little button in the top left hand corner to display these web
    pages on the internet.

    9. When clicking that button, it should load into the internet and display your homepage. Like this:

    10. Then we are going to click on the hyperlink, to see if it takes us to page 1. And it does, this
    shows how to make hyperlinks to take you to different pages.

   11. If we try to click on the homepage button, it will take you back to the black original page. This
    is how to create pages and how to link them.